The Coming Of The Son Of Man
Everyone is expecting the coming of the son of man. Who is that son of man? Is it the son of a spirit? Is it the son of a spook? Is it the son of a mystery? No, he is considered the son of man. This is the one that the world would be looking for. He would be Anointed with a certain power. He would have the ability to bring about a complete change. This man referred to in the Bible is one like no other. The question is who is the son of man.
The Coming of the Son of Man
While all men are all some type of son of a man, this specific man would be different. This man is one who is coming in the last days to judge a man. So if we should be expecting the coming of the son of man then why is it that some are expecting the coming of a spirit? The Bible says that this one would come as a thief in the night. The night here represents a spiritual Darkness. Then we should expect that this son of man would come to a people who were in spiritual Darkness. Not only this but we can understand from scripture that this one would lead the people out of the spiritual Darkness. There is no group of people who better fit this description then the black man and woman in the diaspora or the descendants of slaves.
Who is the Son Of Man Coming to?
The Bible is very specific concerning the son of man. This one would be known as Mahdi or Messiah. This one was born to save his people from sin. That means that we are looking for a people who are guilty of sin. However, we should not be looking for people who are naturally sinful. We are actually looking for people who have been lead astray into sin by someone who has taught them to be other than themselves. This is due to the fact that they would be strangers in a land that is not theirs. Also according to scripture we should expect that they would be afflicted and let into slavery. There is no one who better fits this description than the black man and woman of America and throughout the diaspora. This is given in Genesis when is said to Abraham that he should know what the surety that his seed should be a stranger in the land that is not theirs and they would be afflicted for 400 years. Let’s look at this time 400 years. Is this not how long chattel slavery and oppression has lasted for black people throughout the diaspora?
Son of Man Definition
What is the son of man definition? If we are to look at the title we see that we are not dealing with the son of a spirit or spook. The Bible tells us that we should not be expecting anything but a man to come and judge us. This man would come to judge a people who would be caught up in sin. They would be trained by a man of sin who is the son of perdition. So we see a distinction between two different son. We see that there is a son of man and a son of perdition. Perdition here means according to Christian theology a state of eternal punishment and damnation for a sinful person. Eternal here means that the person cannot escape the sinful nature.
This man of sinful nature is none other than the made man of six thousand years. This is one who was given temporary rulership and was prophesied to cause Mischief in the shedding of blood. This mischief-maker would make evil fair-seeming. This is the guilty one in the Holy Quran referred to as the guilty blue-eyed. This is why Nicodemus in the Bible was asking how he could be saved. Jesus said to him that he could not be saved unless he was born again. This means that he was born to a group of people who could not be saved due to their sinful nature. Ultimately these people in order to reach a state of Salvation would have to completely get rid of their ego. This is nearly impossible for many of them because it is hard for them to see the black man and woman as their maker.
We know that the son of man would have to be the son of an original man. But this man would have to be born in a way where he would be able to enter a monks a downtrodden people as a thief in the night. He would be taking away an old-world and putting a new one in its place. This means that he would have to be born of both people in order to judge both sides.
Signs of the Coming of The Son of Man
“And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.”
So what are some of the signs of the coming of the son of man? We get the signs of the coming of the son of man from scripture. We should expect that as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be during the days of the son of man. We know that Noah lived at a time where the world was so sinful that God ordered that it be destroyed. This gives us a picture of the last days where the world would be in a state of sin. When it refers to the days of the son of man that actually referring to years. We know this due to the fact that the mission of the son of man is to remove a whole world and bring in a new one. This leaves much to be done. He would have to justify removing the old world which would be around for 6000 years and bringing in a new one. This new world would be contrary to the old world a complete change. This means that the son of man would be teaching and training his people in the mitts of the wicked world. He would teach the people how to avoid the wicked world while still living in the midst of it.
In the Days of the Son of Man there will be much trouble and confusion of Nations. Bible Is. 2.24:1 says the whole earth will be turned upside down and nations scattered abroad. The Bible says (Mt. 25:32) “Before Him shall be gathered all nations.” The Holy Qur’an says, “you shall see all nations kneeling before Him and they shall be judged out of their own books.” The government keeps a record of their governmental accounts. They have books in the library and in the courts which tell how they have ruled the people. They have a record of how they have judged the people.
Son of Man Meaning
Should we be expecting a man or a spirit. And Revelations 1:7 is says that every eye shall see him. So if it is something that can be seen with the eyes is it not that we are looking for a man other Bible verses also predict that God would be coming as a man (Luke 21:27; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7, 14:15). There’s much proof in the Bible that God would come in person that is if you want to acknowledge this truth. The truth of the matter is that the we cannot see a spirit. The Bible does not teach you that He is the son of mankind. Mankind is the made-man, the white man. The Great Mahdi is the Son of the Original Man, the Black Man.
Son of Man Coming in The Clouds of Heaven
When the Bible refers to the son of man comin in the clouds we can assume that the clouds refers to the sky because this is where we see clouds. Notice that the Bible still maintains that he is the Son of a Man and not the son of a cloud. We also know that spaceships resemble clouds during the day time. Could it be that this simply refers to the vehicle that we can expect God in person to travel in in the last days?
Lets look at the description of the Son of Man coming in the clouds in the Bible. It says, “At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” So we can expect that in order to come in a cloud a man would need a place to sit.
This wheel is known as Ezekiel’s wheel that would be a dreadful plane in the sky with a duel purpose.
Son of Man in Revelations
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. Rev 1:7
The Coming of the Son of Man Mathew
“And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name [a]Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” Mathew 1:21
For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Son of Man Bible Verse
“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” Luke 21:25-36
The Coming of the Son of Man – Conclusion
The one who fits the description of the coming of the Son of Man is Master Fard Muhammad. Who came in the wilderness of North America to a people who had been slaves and strangers in the land that was not their own.
How do I get in touch with Modimoncho, the Blackroots Science brother? I’ve tried asking questions by sending him emails on “blackrootswisdom@gmail” without any responses.
Hey brother you won’t be able to get in touch with him like that at this time. Start doing the dream exercises in second part of BRS1 though. Try this email: [email protected] you will get in touch with one of the brothers here in the US just tell him I gave you the his email…. There is a conference call on Sundays at 7:00pm EST
~Self Study~
Conference Call number is: 605-472-5788
Access Code 565977
Thank you brother. The swift response is most appreciated.
I’ll definitively do the dream work and meet the brother on the Other Side.
On a different note, how about doing a post about so-called western alchemy (as expounded by esotericists like Julius Evola un works like The Hermetic Tradition and Introduction to Magic, and Fulcanelli’s Dwellings of the Philosophers and Mysteries of the Cathedrals) as compared to Blackroots Wisdom. Their origin, veracity, etc.
I’ve read from them the Blackroots Science that the Theosophists and Rosicrucians practice the lesser version (the 33 degree system) if the greater Black Wisdom, but it would be nice to read more on that on your posts.