
10 Motivational Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is no doubt a dynamic speaker and preacher. When people think of Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes religion often comes to mind. However, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan can be considered a motivational speaker as well as a self help coach.

Enjoy these 10 motivational self-help Minister Loius Farrakhan Quotes.

Quotes by Minister Louis Farrakhan – Facing Difficulty

It is written in the Holy Qur’an, which is the Book of Scripture for the Muslims, that Allah created man to face difficulties. God has brought us all onto the Earth to face one difficulty after another and it is the facing of these difficulties and the overcoming of these difficulties that helps us to improve our character and improve ourselves. Now, the key word is ‘to face’ a difficulty. ‘To face’ a difficulty means to look at it; to assess it; to summon the total strength or our being to oppose it; to overcome it; to have a determined, persevering, courageous spirit to overcome the difficulty. There is no difficulty that man is faced with that man does not have the ability to overcome, if he will summon the strength of his being against that obstacle in the pathway of his progress.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes – Power In Struggle

without struggle, you cannot bring out of yourself that which God has deposited within you. It is something that has to be brought out and it is a struggle overcoming difficulties that manifest your own gifts and your own sublime qualities

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Quotes by Minister Louis Farrakhan – Goals

“The desire to attain a goal brings us face to face with difficulty. When we undergo the trial of difficulty, the trial may be so intense that it extinguishes the light of the desire to attain the goal”

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes – Faith

“Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” Though the ark was built on dry land, Allah (God) knew He would inevitably destroy the wicked with a flood. The water came just after Noah finished the ark. He achieved his objective; he and those who believed with him. His opposition was destroyed in the flood. Allah (God) had told him long before, “Surely they will be drowned.” Holy Qur’an 11:37. We see in these verses that Noah was not weak and equivocal in his Faith; contrary to the misconception of many of us, men of God have always been and must be, strong-willed. The opposition, on the other hand, is always self willed. Noah prevailed and did not yield, for he had submitted his Will to the Will of Allah (God) and therefore could not be defeated.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Quotes by Minister Louis Farrakhan – Confidence

Faith, of course, is “confidence or trust in a person or thing.” 
Faith is having confidence in your own ability or in someone else’s ability. In the Divine Scheme of things, Faith is having confidence or trust in Allah (God). Having Faith is having confidence and trust in His Word: knowing that His Word never fails- His Plan never fails; His Will never fails. When we put our trust completely in Allah (God) in His Word, we have the ability to see beyond our knowledge – for what we know is limited.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes – Knowledge

Faith can be as big as a mountain; Faith can be as big as the 
Universe itself. Regardless of what you know, you must have a greater Faith than your Knowledge. For your Knowledge is, of a. surety, limited, no matter how much you know. But if your Faith in Allah (God) is great; your Faith in His Word is great; then that Faith will lead you to greater and greater Knowledge. We must be faithful men and women, but we must also be possessors of Knowledge. There are so many of our people who have a lot of Faith but very little Knowledge. We need both: Faith and Knowledge; to buttress and support the power of our being, which is our Will.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Quotes by Minister Louis Farrakhan – Potential

.in Jesus is a witness, not that God is coming, but that God is present…Jesus gives man a glimpse of his potential. Jesus is not here for you to worship him; he is here for you to follow his example, that where he is, you may be…Because if you follow that example, Jesus is only manifesting what is really in yourself … He is the perfect example of human potential … he was born of a woman and came through the vicissitudes of life, just like you.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes -Opposition

Opposition is vital, necessary. Without opposition, it cannot be proved that a tender plant cannot just be plucked up out of the ground. When we go to pull on it, we find out it is rooted in the ground; it has a strength that is not apparent just looking at it. This shows us that Allah (God) is with the plant, which is of His Creation. Until we have tasted the fierceness of opposition, the depth of our roots in the Faith will not be manifested.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Quotes by Minister Louis Farrakhan – Will Power

The Will is Protected and also sustained, not only by Faith, but also by our Attitude, which demonstrates the degree of our Faith. We cannot have a powerful will and a weak Attitude. The Attitude that we have is for the Protection of the Will. Change your Attitude and you might redirect Your Will.  Attitude is “the manner, disposition, feeling, Position” with which we regard a thing. It is a tendency or orientation, especially of the mind. ” Think of these words. It is a “tendency” or an “Orientation” of the mind. In fact, Attitude can give you or damage — Your ability to perceive reality. Mood can color your perception. So we have all of these things that affect the Will, and, in fact, redirect the Will- Beloved, we must be careful of our Attitude.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

Minister Louis Farrakhan Quotes – Love

Will is Power, but Power must be guided. Guided by what? Power of Will must be guided by Knowledge. But there is an emotional force that gives direction to Will. And the emotional force – which is the creative force upon which the entire Universe is constructed — is Love. And it is out of this awesome Power of Love that the Will springs up; it springs up out of this emotion, and it is directed and guided by that emotion.

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan